Seriously, did y'all really think that I haven't been writing because of lack of something to say, an opinion to give, a grievance to air, a grumble to murmur or perhaps being suddenly taken with the twiddling of thumbs? Which only goes to prove once again, how very little attention you actually pay to the things that I say and also further reinforces the fact that you'll probably never, ever figure me out. As hard as you may damn well try.
The previous week, I had fallen prey to this and this and this and was handicapped as you may recall. This week however, my right brain and 3/4 of my left were unceremoniously kidnapped by Gordon Ramsey. Yes, he of Kitchen Nightmares, Hell's Kitchen, and recently, The F Word fame/notoriety.
I know, his gutter of a mouth is legen-DARY (god, I can no longer look at this word the same way after Neil Patick Harris, go watch this if you still don't know who he is, loser. Because it's only THE best show since Friends.) but I just cannot tear my eyes away from the screen whenever he's on (and there are only 4 seasons of KN, UK version for me to catch up on, which translates to roughly about 40 hours of TV-gazing, if you're the sort who keeps tracks of things like that), what is it about this craggy-faced, absolutely obnoxious and abrasive fella that has me thus enthralled?
Damn if I know. But I promise that YOU will be the first to know when I find out.
Want to have a little taste of him and the yummilicious dishes he whips up?
Gotta love a man who just can't, for the life of him, comprehend how any red-blooded, sane human being, doesn't love eating meat. Exactly.
What the heck is wrong with y'all? The rich flavour of pan-seared kobe beef is just out of this world and SO worth clogging up those arteries for. Somehow, eggplant and carrots and gluten( oh, the horror) just can't compare. Sorry but I'm just not a salad girl aye.
In other news, I lost my atm card for the the billionth time (I know I'm telling you this as if you care) and am now in even more dire straits than ever.
Obviously, Ignoring that 10-cent coin carelessly dropped by someone (obviously richer than I am) is now no longer an option.
Today, I shall dedicate at least 2.35 hours to penny-fishing/picking. And yes, of course, you will be kept abreast of the results of this utterly brilliant, cash-cow idea. I am nothing, if not generous and sharing.
Until then.