Tuesday, March 31, 2009

If you've missed me

..and scoffing Thai food at every opportunity while bargain-hunting on the streets of Bangkok, then seriously, I have no idea what the heck you're waiting for. An invitation of sorts? Surely by now you'd know that there'd be NO such invite issued and being the ever-accomodating, ever-accepting being that I am (little wonder that I'm known in certain circles to be vastly highly-evolved) all of you are welcomed to drop by.

The Basil Inn is now opened.

Find us at Downtown East Resort #01-21.

And rediscover your love for Bangkok street food.

If I like you, I might even let you try one of my favourite treats, like say Somtum Puu.


Unknown said...

do i get to try the Somtum Puu? I know you like me, xoxo

fennielyn said...

If you're able the heat, I can even let you try double portions of it. Yes, I like you that much!

I dare you to steal my stuff!

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