Thursday, January 3, 2008

In which Yoda spouts crap

I know it's going to seem like I've arrived late to the game and ergo, a loser noob but (some, okie most of you xyz gen boyfolk and girlfolk will probably not know what the heck I'm talking about but nevermind, just bear with me here) WAY before there was blogger and wordpress and the multitude of blog sites that are desperately whoring themselves to you, there was livejournal (more power to you, oh enduring, constant, loyalists!) and then there was Deadjournal.

Now, where does one even begin with DJ. Like, seriously....have you folks even heard of it? I know, right? But yea. Not wanting to one of the thousands of sheep that very quickly latched onto LJ (gosh, you even needed someone to bloody invite you before you could set up a damn account) I decided (whilst perched on my 5 metre highhorse) to thumb my noses at the bright, shiny folks over at LJ, and join the obscure and aptly named Deadjournal (chyeah, like I'm gonna tell you my username there). Oh the posts were long, ponderous and at times even simpering but I can safely say, without a doubt, absolutely lucid , kick-ass drivel. So 'nuff about my past dabble with *journaling*.

This blog is started with one sole purpose. And no, it's not about introducing little brats to fairy tales, the Brothers Grimm or Snow White as the title may suggests.
You were thinking this, perhaps?

Well, there is a kind of connection I gotta admit...that snow-white skin of hers...positively TDF.

My beautiful ones, it's all about attaining that perfect, flawless, alabaster skin that most of us are in pursuit of. Please don't go all PC on me and start howling that TAN (the colour, not surname yo) is just as perfect. I'm talking about getting rid of spots, blemishes, uneven skintone and hyper-pigmentation. Geez...

Obviously I'm not on blogger purely in the name of altruism and the goodness of my heart. I am NOT her.

I too, like the rest of ye common folks need something resembling a job to, you know, exist.

After years and years and years (shut up already about how old you THINK I am) of spending everything that I've earned and more on my OCD aka obsession with acheiving complexion perfection, it's probably time that this sickness starts generating a payback of sorts.

Alright, after that brief something about me, which you will gradually get to be very familiar with, you know like how I actually rock at cutting to the chase, I'll give y'all the low-down already.

This is not a blog. I repeat, this is NOT a blog. (This font size is solely for your benefit)
It's a blogSHOP. I'm using blogger to house my collection of beautiful, kick-ass masks for now until I gather enough funds to actually get a REAL webhost. (That is not to say that I won't from time to time unburden myself to you; I promise to do so only when I'm sober)

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