Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Suckage of RSS subscription

NOT yours. So you don't have to get all indignant and outraged and sulky now. In fact I do subscribe to quite a few of your feeds and it is solely because of them that I am shown the utter slothfulness and error of my blogger ways. I am also astounded by how quickly and frequently you are all able to update your blogs, almost on a daily and for the super-humans amongst us, bi-daily basis too. It is enough to put this girl to shame.

After much gnashing of teeth and the downing of gallons of Caramel Baileys later, I made the grave and final decision to remove forever, the RSS *subscribe to me* box. It just doesn't seem to be serving any sort of purpose and worse, it leads to unrealistic expectation swhich I could never, no matter how willing the spirit is, be able to fulfil. I know what it's like to be let down and why would I do that to you? YOU, the paragon of all that is sweet and good. I could never.

I hate Wordpress. I really do. Not to be repetitive or anything (which by the mere mention of my absolutely justified, negative feelings about WP, I already am being, so just fking bear with me here) but even after spending hours heaped upon hours heaped upon days, I'm still no where near grasping it. I never claimed to be css/html-savvy but rumour has it that WP is such a piece of cake that you could master it with one hand bound behind your back, watching Boston Legal (if the show ever stopped, I might just cease to exist) whilst prying apart durians that being the loser that I am, always usually are opened by the durian uncle in a half-assed manner which is why prying is required of you in the first place.

It is a lie. An outright deception of the most devious kind. You see, you'd never know they were lying when you look at their blog, which in all their elegant, multi-bar, widgetized glory, belies the effort that goes into putting it all together and making it look so fking simple and simplified to the nth. And they don't want you to know either. After spending x amount of hours googling theme installation, plug-ins installation, widget-installation, you spy that just-kill-me already button and feel almost tempted to grab it, but wait! you then spot yet another site that promises to be The N00b guide to all Things WP and unable to resist the siren call that is the WP helping hand, of course you had to pop on over. I'm sure Tim has helped thousands along the way since the article appeared in 20o6 but as stoic and earnest as I am, he failed where I, an obviously sucky, unteachable WP student was concerned. I'm sorry.

But hope! springs eternal. Right?? I mean, if I am still able to blab on chirply as I have after being sleepless for 29.65 hours and counting, then surely, this is hope talking.

Definitely hope, most definitely not Flunitrazepam because I am apparently, impervious to most benzodiazepams and no I was not told that bloody Rohypnol (which just occurred to me that since roofies don't affect me at all unless consumed in mad quantities, I am thus date-ravage-proof, now how many of YOU can lay claim to that?) is part of the benzo family until after I had it in my grateful hands, which by then, I couldn't care less; even if I did and still do abhor almost all benzo pharmaceutical shite. Sadly, Zolpidem is not something I can afford. Not at the amount I need. What?

Back to hope and whatnot, if this wtf-inducing graphic is not irrefutable proof of sunshiny hope in full, glorious bloom, then damn, I don't know what is.


Bonnie Story said...

I hear you about WordPress!!! I am a web designer and I shuddered at the thought of taking all that on. It irritates me too that they try to preach to you about whether you can make $ with your blog - like going broke is better than making a couple of bucks??? I'm sticking with blogger Life is too short for WP. Most of the great WP blogs have a hired tech slaving away in the corner, behind the curtain. -- Bonnie

fennielyn said...

I know, right? Thank YOU for not making feel like I'm alone in this vast sea of WP worshippers!

Anonymous said...

You are not alone! I've done so much looking around and research and I've decided I don't have time for the learning curve. If your content is worth reading, it won't matter if it's blogger or WP. Content is content. BTW, that was a great post! Funny and well written. Now I feel better about being a blogger blogger!

Shari Shops Here!

FoxTwo said...

Heh I wrote in an earlier comment on one of your posts, that blogger is actually easier than Wordpress to understand, for a layman. Wordpress is broken up into modules and you need to "fit the pieces" together in your mind to see the whole blog as it would appear to the user, whereas blogger is WYSIWYG.

I'm guessing people are raving about Wordpress to other people only because they don't want to be "left out", like as if you aren't a "true blogger" until you're on Wordpress kinda mentality.

Kiddo Bliss said...

I promise you hun that I am not a savy designer or anything else, and I find WP to be a rather simple thing to use. Perhaps its because my hosting service installed the blog for me and all I had to do was pick out a theme I liked. I don't know. I like the freedom of knowing a blog is mine and google won't decide one day to just toss my s--t in the trash because they had an ooops moment.

I don't worship WP, I just like the freedom owning my own site gives me :) Plus having readers who can leave me comments even when they don't own a blog and don't particularly feel like registering with some service they will never use is a bit of a bonus as well.

Laura Brown said...

I don't offer an RSS feed for my site and I don't read any feeds for any other sites either. I just don't see the point of skimming blogs rather than actually being there and getting the whole effect.

I don't care for WordPress either! :)

h@n| said...

The reason why I switched to WP cause I encountered bugs on Blogger. Seems that I mage the right choice.

But if you are not planning to host your own blog then just stick to Blogger.


fennielyn said...

heh, now we know there are no fence-sitters where wp is concerned. Honestly though, I do like the concept behind WP, how the themes are dynamic, organic and customizable. Having said that, one can't deny it's not as idiot-proof as blogger is. I think why I'm struggling so much with it is coz I didn't realise the *concept* of WP and went headlong into it blindly, armed only with hearsay and foolhardy self-assurance (like how bloody hard can it be to create another blog, chyeah), until I the time came when I couldn't find the *one-click instal* button on my page which was on a friend's page and then I discovered a WHOLE other You cannot ever imagine the confusion I was engulfed in when realised that and are the same yet not quite. My mind started to unravel whilst grasping the infinite vastness of the complicated mess. Anyhow, I digress.

foxy, that's the sg mentality for ya. ;) baby sis and friends jumped onto the WP bandwagon last yr and almost all have abandoned blogger. Maybe I just lack the sort of youthful enthusiasm that still infects the very young when it comes to novel, *in* stuff. =p

Thanks y'all for the very varied and valid ops and feelings about wp, I now know who to stalk if I ever need some wp help. yay.

Anonymous said...

hello, my gathering is at melvados cafe next sunday april 6th for lunch, can u make it? let me know asap.

Anonymous said...

Ahh.. sad to say, i'm also as guilty as you, cant blog daily, so many reviews stacking up. hahaha!

You're not alone with the wp thingy, the theme installation, plug in, widget, everything i also have much difficulty with them. LOL!

And, the graphic is definitely full of hope, bloom, and beauty : )

Unknown said...

heh....i hope you had a purge after all that about web designing and wp...

Anonymous said...

مرحبا ،
واريد ان اقول لكم عن عظيم الموقع وجدته. إنهم لا يدفعون لي لقراءة البريد الإلكتروني ،
زيارة المواقع على شبكة الانترنت وأكثر من ذلك بكثير.

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لزيارة الوصله :



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