Friday, January 18, 2008

a meme and then some

So, just to prove what a sloth I am, instead of the usual post, I'm just going to use this meme that I was tagged with. However, I won't be tagging anyone coz I know not everyone is as shameless as I am when it comes to sharing boring, inconsequential details about oneself. In trying to be as honest as I can, a total of three and a half brain cells were brutally mangled while tussling with Conscience.

1. Were you named after anyone?
I'm pretty positive that I'm not the first Daphne ever, so YES.

2. When was the last time you cried?
About 5 minutes ago. Yea, I can cry you a river. What's your point?

3. Would you say that you have great handwriting?
Well,if you're into the sort of elegant, cursive penmanship that elicits gasps of pleasure from anyone who sees it, if you're into that sort of thing, then I suppose it's passable.

4. What is your favourite lunch meat?
Roast Beef.

5. Do you have kids?
Are you for real?? I can barely take care of myself, so no.

6. If you were another person, would you be friends with yourself?
Definitely! I'm so awesome on so many levels that I wouldn't be able to resist me.

7. Do you use sarcasm alot?
Define sarcasm.

8. Do you still have your tonsils?
The thing at the back of your throat right? Yea.

9. Would you bungee jump?
hell, no!

10. What is your favourite cereal?
I LOVE cereal and could eat them all day! So any cereal that's not sweet and with lots of oats in it is bound to make me happy. I'm not fussy, like I said, I adore this shite. But if I really had to choose then I'd go for Dorset Organic Cranberry and Oats. Too poor to afford them right now.

11. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?
I make it a point never to buy shoes with laces.

12. Do you think you're strong?
Are we talking about emotional or physical strength here? In either case, I'm about as strong as a Costa Rican Fairyfly.

13. What is your favourite ice-cream?
Chubby Hubby coz I'm addicted to peanut butter.

14. What is the first thing you notice about people?
If they're breathing or not. I have an irrational fear of zombies and the living dead.

15. Red or Pink?
Pink of course. I'm a totally girly girl. And no, swearing doesn't count.

16. What is the least favourite thing about yourself?
That I don't look anything like how a Native English Speaker is *supposed* to look like and thus hamper my dream of becoming a TEFL teacher in Siam. It's the genes, I'm telling you!

17. Who do you miss the most?
She is not a person but a place. A very special place that for reasons unknown, has plundered the depths of my soul. I don't think I've ever yearned like this before.

18. Who's your favourite person in the world?
Besides myself you mean? Okay, my baby sister then.

19. What colour pants and shoes are you wearing?
I'm in my PJs.

20. What was the last thing you ate?
Peanut butter out of the jar. What?

21. What are you listening to right now?
I have various Thai artistes on loop, (Modern Dog, Boyd, Silly Fools, Potato, Peacemaker) which I mostly don't understand but in a bid to torture myself even more and deepen the seperation pain, I press on. So what if my eyes are wrung dry? Let's get some perspective here; it's only water+salt. =p

22. If you where a crayon, what colour would you be?
Uhm, all I did was copy and paste, but live and let live I say. So what if "where a crayon" doesn't make sense? Stop being so judgy. More to the point, who thinks up such questions anyway??! Because, seriously, a CRAYON?! Fine. If I were to someday, somehow, for whatever reason, be a damn crayon, I'd be a shimmering, gossamer pink. Doesn't that sound pretty? I almost want to be a crayon now.

23. Favourite smells?
Rainstorms, just-baked bread, peppermint, fresh laundry, wintergreen and pine, my mom's TDF kueh lapis and pineapple tarts, the pages of a new hardcover book, the person I'm in love with.

24. Who was the last person you talked to?
No one. Nobody ever calls me.

25. Have you been lonely before?
See above.

26. Favourite Sports to watch?
Football, but only when the scousers play.

27. Hair Colour?
Dark brown. Very blah.

28. Eye Colour?
Black-brown. Very blah.

29. Do you wear contacts?
Nope. Lasik donations are always welcomed. But to further dispel all doubts regarding my geekiness, I will have you know that I'm NEVER without my glasses. For the doubting Thomases amongst us who require visual proof., I can only say: you my friend, have trust issues.

30. Favourite Food?

31. Scary movies or happy endings?
A happy movie with a scary ending.

32. Last movie you watched?
Rainman for the nth time.

33. What colour shirt are you wearing?
Colour of pj's top = PINK

34. Summer or Winter?
Winter, though God knows we never get it here in Southeast Asia.

35. Hugs or Kisses?
Hugs. Cuddles too. ^_~

36. Favourite Dessert?
Not to be repetitive or anything but chocolate.

37. The three people you will tell all your secrets to?

38. Do you trust easily?
Am I not putting myself out there right now??

39. What book are you reading right now?
Dean Koonzt - The Husband and re-reading Odd Thomas

40. What is on your mouse pad?
Mouse what? Uhm...whazzat?? Oh you mean that thing people use to move their mouse around back in the day when the Atari was hailed as the be all and end all of video gaming consoles? I may have a vague recollection of some squarish thingy on the desk but it's been so long and having used an optical mouse for as long as I can remember, I can't confirm if it was ever real or merely a mythical object cooked up by the same fellas who thought that all my base are belong to them. =p

41. What did you watch on TV last night?
I don't watch TV but the last show that I watched, Criminal Minds, although darker and grimmer than ever, kicked every kind of ass.

42. Favourite sound?
My parents' laughter.

43. Rolling Stones or The Beatles?
Neither. Excuse me, but you don't see me dissing your taste in music, do you?

44. What is the farthest you've been from home?
Gee, I'd be hard pressed to tell you the distance since I don't carry any sort of measuring instruments with me when I travel, but if we're talking about where, then NYC; the greatest city in the world. I would live/die there if I could.

45. Do you have a special talent?
I can bend my toes and fingers in a totally freaky way, really, you have to see it to believe.

46. Where were you born?
In a hospital. Or so I was told.

47.Where do you see yourself 5 years from now?
Damn if I know. Look, I don't even know what I'll be doing tomorrow.

48).What's your favourite song?
Do you seriously expect me to answer this? Can *you* pick just ONE favourite song? I thought so.

49)Love or Money?
Wait, how much cash are we talking about here? If it's Bill Gates-esque kind of money, then I'd totally pick money which I will use to buy Apple.Inc and have fun with all the G4s I could want for the rest of my life. Listen, loving someone, [so much that your breath catches in your throat each time you look at him, so much that your insides feel all squished and mashed up just thinking of him, so much that you'd give up your world as you know it just to be with him] who doesn't love you back, is the most debilitating, painful pain in the world. So yea, Microsoft gets my vote.

I hope you are all happy now. Now that you are intimately familiar with almost every minutae of my life. ONE of you better find this useful so that it wasn't entirely an effort in futility or a waste of 20 minutes of my life that I'll NEVER get back. The things I do for you.

Tag, you're it. =p

p/s Don't forget to stock up on the masks as they're running low and CNY being just round the corner, your skin totally deserves them!

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